Monday, July 29, 2019

A goal oriented appraisal system

A goal oriented appraisal system Purpose – To implement a goal oriented appraisal system Observations from yesterday meeting They don’t have a proper performance appraisal system Technical skills are assessing from their Netherland counterpart but as my knowledge it is not documented Currently they are using 360 feedback systems but the content of the appraisal is very poor They are focusing on implementing a goal oriented appraisal system They are planning to conduct appraisal quarterly Their main purpose is to improve employee’s soft skills while assessing their technical skills Through this hey need to identify the skill gaps and training need of their workforce Performance management is about working together with employees to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance and how to help them be a more productive and effective worker. Therefore, it is important to have a proper performance management system to help everyone in the organization. In order to have a proper performance appraisal system we can use following actions. Actions to be taken We need to evaluate the current performance appraisal system We need to analyze the areas covering thorough the current appraisal system and how frequently they are providing their feedback to others. Also we need to identify if there is anything that need to be changed or add to the evaluation criteria. As per the current system they are assessing only soft skills, but it is very important to assess their technical and operational and service skills to improve their career. Identify organizational goals Performance management system should be focused on project goals. PM has the idea of project deadlines, necessities needed to achieve the deadlines; measures effectiveness or efficiency towards the deadline and drivers to achieve the deadline etc. This chain of measurement is examined to ensure alignment with overall results of the organization. Goals should be addressed within a SMART framework. Specific: Well-defined to inform employees exactly what is expected, when, and how much. Measurable: Provide milestones to track progress and motivate employees toward achievement. Achievable: Success needs to be attainable with effort by an average employee, with a bit of a stretch. Relevant: The goals should focus on the greatest impact to the overall corporate strategy. Timely: A goal should be grounded within a time frame to create a sense of urgency for completion Therefore it is important to clarify what your goals are for the next quarter. Identify processes or procedures that could be simplified or done more effectively. Declare the goals for the next quarter or new products/ projects employee may involve. Implement better communication between departments and team members. Set performance expectations. Clearly explain the expectations for the employees Examine that they are currently doing their job well. Share some weaknesses that observed in their work habits, and how overcoming those would help their performance in the company. Identify specific things to accomplish over the next quarter. Prioritize these works, so the employee knows which is most important and make sure to give them a deadline for each task. Monitor and develop the performance cycle throughout the quarter One on one (1:1) feedback is a great way to do this. As employees begin to work on their expectations, we need to assess regularly how they are doing. We can do this weekly and can give feedbacks about their performance. If they appear to be struggling to meet performance expectations, discuss with them and check if they required any support or coaching. Evaluate their performance At each performance review, we should let employee know how they are doing. It is often helpful to assign a numeric value on a scale, rating the employee from â€Å"not meeting expectations† to â€Å"meets expectations† to â€Å"exceed expectations†. As a company we need provide feedback on their performance. We need to be more specific as possible, noting key examples of when they demonstrated a certain quality. Explain about the consequences or rewards of their performance. It is a key strategy to retain the top talent and driving organizational performance that exceeds all expectations. These things can be used to develop the under performers to become greater assets to your organization. Discuss any problems they may be having. Listen to their concerns. Align feedback with feedback given throughout the quarter in their one on ones Set new performance expectations for the next quarter Some items may be the same. However, since these are also based on organizational goals, you will need to re-examine the goals for the upcoming quarter. Conclusion Effective performance management plan is the key to creating an engaged and aligned workforce the hallmark of all successful businesses. Without one, the organization could lose more than just time and money you could lose knowledge, employees and, in the end, your competitive edge.

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